Because my husband is a genius AND since he can't stand to let Meg cry it out, he came up with his own system to help her go back and stay asleep in the middle of the night.
Really, I should save all the details and have Kendon write a book and earn us millions. But, it's really a simple technique he has created here and would probably only fill a pamphlet. I don't know of anyone making the big bucks from a pamphlet. So, here it is.
The Kendon Method. 1. Take crying baby (namely MEG) out into the living room.
2. Set her on the couch.
3. Do not let her sit on your lap.
4. You may watch t.v., read a book, dose off. Whatever you are up to at 3:00 a.m.
5. Whenever said child tries to lay down on your lap, or have you hold her, ask, "are you ready to go ni-night?" Chances are she will say, "Nuh-uh."
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until child finally responds, "uh-Huh," and falls sleepily into your arms, ready to get off the couch and back into bed.
A few nights of this and your baby will decide it's much easier to stay asleep in their own bed.
***Disclaimer: I've actually never tried the method. I've only ever observed. (Well, when I say observe, what I mean is sleep through the whole thing!) Success rates may vary depending on the commitment and "wonderfulness" of your spouse!
***Disclaimer's Disclaimer: Since originally writing this post I have had to use the method myself. It has been successful for me as well, though I much prefer it when Kendon works the magic.

Meg when she wakes in the middle of the night.
Hey, I just figured out how we can make the millions. I think I'll rent Kendon out. He can come to your home and put the method to use for you. Believe me, a sleeping baby would be worth every penny!