We walked to school since it is just down the street and with every car that passed us she asked, "are they going to my pre-school too?" She was a little hesitant to go inside by herself and wanted me to walk her in. Then her BF Brooke got there and Mom was forgotten all about. Please say she won't do that on her first day of kindergarten too? (Sniff sniff. Boo hoo!)
When I picked her up she said they learned about the ABC's, colors ("pink, red and blue") and trees. Not sure how that all comes together but that was her version of the morning anyhow!
I'm excited for Sirri and this new little adventure. Mrs. Tammie has a great pre-school and really helps prepare these little kiddos for the Big K! (Kindergarten that is. Just saying the word hurts! Insert more tears here!)
Yay, a little freedom for you and some socialization for your little girl. You are both going to love it, I'm sure. Kindergarten really isn't that bad. Plus, it's free.
Looks like you had a fun day Sirri. you will have to tell aunt kimmy all about it! I love you!!
my little squisher...will you please stop growing up so fast? it hurts aunt cindy's heart!!!!! sure LOVE LOVE LOVE you!
How cute! She looks so little to be going to pre-school! So nice it is so close to home too! Sirri, you are such a big girl now and Grandma and Papa love you so much! I bet Connor and Meg really miss you while you are gone!
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