There is a little game that Sirri likes to play. It is unofficially called, What's Next? Anytime we are getting ready for, heading to, or coming home from somewhere, Sirri will ask, "what's next?" I tell her, and she then asks again, "what's next?" And so on and so on. Seems like a fairly simple game that shouldn't last too long right? Well, that is all true unless you are ME...the anal schedule planner and always know what's next! I could and have played this game where I answered the, What's Next question for a whole weeks worth of activities! It is true. Ask my little Sis. Cindy. She was there and quite amazed. I am not sure if she was amazed that I could actually do it, or amazed at how routine my life is. (I didn't say boring...I said routine!) I just happen to like a plan and plan I do. Here is "what's next" on our summer schedule!
Monday: Wake up, breakfast, Saquoia comes over, dressed, gym, spray park, lunch, naps, snack, play, laundry, Saquoia goes home, dinner, Family Night, jammers, stories, bed.
Tuesday: Wake up, breakfast, dressed, gym, library hour, lunch at the park, naps (mom cleans house), snack, play, dinner, jammers, stories, bed.
Wednesday: Wake up, breakfast, dressed, gym, gymnastics, play group, naps , snack, play, dinner, jammers, stories, bed.
Thursday: Wake up, breakfast, dressed, gym, errands, lunch, naps, laundry,snack, play, dinner, jammers, stories, bed.
Friday: Wake up, breakfast, Saquoia comes over, dressed, gym, Rigby Lake, lunch, naps, snack, play, Saquoia goes home, dinner, jammers, stories, bed.
So, now you know, what's next!!!